KW Kruk and Partners Law Firm
KW Kruk and Partners Law Firm
We provide legal services for international transactions both to Polish entrepreneurs abroad and to foreign entrepreneurs in Poland. We provide comprehensive legal assistance at every stage of the transaction, starting from the selection of the optimal form of conducting business, ongoing corporate service, as well as in case of a willingness to dissolve or liquidate the entity.
The scope of our activities includes, among others:
Legal services for foreign investments in Poland (including services for entities from outside the EU)
Legal services for foreign entities expanding their activity on the territory of Poland
Legal services for Polish investments abroad
Legal services for entities expanding their operations abroad by opening branches, representative offices or subsidiaries abroad
Conducting legal audits, including due diligence of planned investments
Participation in international negotiations
Depending on the needs, we provide legal services in cooperation with foreign law firms with which we cooperate within the framework of our law firm's membership in international legal organisations (FraudNet, IR Global, ILF).